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FAQ If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]

If you are looking for a photographer, register as a guest. If you are a photographer or videographer, register as an owner.

To choose both categories as a photographer and videographer, click on one of the category and then click the box again to choose the other category.

If you are on mobile, click your profile icon to see the menu.

Reviews are turned off for now. We may add it in the future depending on if there are enough owners who wants it.

Yes, you can list in multiple states. Your home state will show your general location, but if you add other states, the map won’t show your location in those states. When someone searches in other states that you have chosen, your listing will show up there as well.

For example, if your home state is Wisconsin and you add Minnesota as your secondary location, the map will only show your location as Wisconsin. When a potential client searches for a photographer in MN, your listing will also show.

We recommend you add to your description that you operate in both states and are willing to travel.

Each listing can hold up to 10 photos in the gallery with a max upload size of 4MB. Anything more than 4 photos, the gallery will show on top of the page, otherwise it will show above the description field.

Yes, SEO is optimized for every listing. The photo below shows what will pop up on google search. It pulls your description you added on your listing as the meta description.

Real addresses aren’t collected on our directory. When listing your photography business, we use your zip code to get a general area of where you are located. If you own a studio, please add your address to the description field instead.

Donations aren’t required, but is there if you decide to help us with maintenance and hosting fees. HP is hosted on a private server so the uptime should be 99% of the time except for maintenance windows.